Children's Mental Health

Focus on Improving Emotional Wellbeing This Mental Health Awareness Month

Emotional wellbeing is an important component to child development. It lays the foundation for overcoming challenges, handling emotions, and getting along well with family,...

Caring for Your Child’s Mental Health

The coronavirus pandemic has raised our awareness of many things we once took for granted, from grandparents’ hugs to neighborhood birthday parties. One issue...

Could My Child be Bipolar?

Can kids really have bipolar disorder? It’s a seemingly simple question with a complicated answer, depending upon who you ask. This month marks Children’s...

Eating Disorders and Young Children

40-60% of elementary school girls (ages 6-12) are concerned about their weight or about becoming too fat. (source: National Eating Disorders Association Hospitalizations for eating disorders in...

Should My Child See a Mental Health Professional?

All kids experience some challenges as they go through childhood, and most of the time these “rough patches” come and go without too much...

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